1. Give it a deep clean

Before all of the boxes arrive and it’s time to start unpacking, invest a few hours scrubbing your house from top to bottom. This will give you a sense of ownership, as well as fill your house with the familiar scent of your favorite cleaning products.

2. Create ambience

Speaking of scent, turn that house into a home by lighting candles with familiar and cozy scents. Vanilla, cinnamon, and pumpkin spice are great choices. Or, of course, consider slipping a frozen apple pie in the oven for an instant, housewarming feel.

3. Hang up curtains

Curtains fill the space and create a comfortable feel. Plus, they will provide an extra sense of security, as well as protection from the early morning sun.

4. Pre-pack wisely

When you pre-pack your items, set aside some must-have essentials for that first night at home. Suggestions include: drinking glasses, sheets and pillows for the bed, overnight items such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, pajamas and a change of clothing. Of course, during the pre-packing process, label the boxes clearly so that you could find all of the other necessities that will be used first with minimal confusion and frustration.

5. Plan for meals

When you move to a new neighbourhood, the odds of finding the perfect place to grab a long back or take-out are touch and go. Don’t put yourself in a position where you scramble around to find something because you’ve reached the point of starvation where you can’t wait anymore. Before you move, perform reconnaissance online and set up a plan of action for your meals in the evening and the morning in your new home.